"Music isn't about a beat or a melody, words, lyrics, a song or a moment in a song. Music is an art form whose medium is sound, sound through time. Music is a journey, an experience, an emotional roller coaster of feelings. Music can be love. Music can be hate. It can unite or destroy. It can give and it can take. I am music. Music is me." - C J M

Shameless Self Promotions presents - Changes On a Daily Basis - a C J M podcast

Shameless Self Promotions presents - Changes On a Daily Basis - a C J M podcast

37. "LoveHateDreamsLifeWorkPlayFriendshipSex" (the darkside of light)

36. "LIVE in The Beatport Lounge 6/23/12"

35. Old Norsk Sessions EP26 - A special guest mix by "Nitemer"

34. "The Sunrise Set (Old Norsk Sessions guestmix)

33. "Best Mix Ever" (operation annihilation)

32. "Not Exactly" (what you expected)

31. "Listen To My Story - Guest Mix by Nathan Brown aka "The Tableist"

30. "BIPOLAR" (mad clown sad kid)

29. Kevin Green July 2011 A special guest mix with Kevin Green. Please visit www.facebook.com/kgmusic.co with comments and feedback. Enjoy

28. "TheLostMix"(redEsetRoll)

27. (The Essential) Push The Night 11. A special guest mix with Brad Miller. Please visit www.djbradmiller.com or www.facebook.com/djbradmiller with comments and feedback. Enjoy

26. "TheFirstThatComesToYourMind" (even if it's stupid)

25. "Voices of Life" (facing death)

24. "Dreamseller" (dark knightmare)

23. Proper Armed - Guest Mix by Nathan Brown aka "The Tableist"

22. "Drifter by Design" (addicted by desire)

21. "Flawless Victory" (immortal fatality)

20. (cthorehpsir2.0)

19. "The Delusional Illusion" (chrants)

18. "The Dillusional Elusion" (srelliK)

17. 6.13 pt 2 - Guest Mix by Nathan Brown aka "The Tableist"

16. "Dream Wizard" (stribble)

15. (schlitzie)

14. "Ready or Not" (fade to that)

13. Milburn Mansion Film Fest -Live Set 4.9.10

12. "Lost in Distress" (beautiful nightmare)

11. "KittenPawedGypsyTears"

10. 11.4 - Guest Mix by Nathan Brown aka "The Tableist"

9. Tranceport

8. "Long Nights"(cold days)

7. "Infected with Affection" (affected by infection)

6. "Don't Start" (what u can't finish)

5. 6.13 - Guest Mix by Nathan Brown aka "The Tableist"

4. (the ugly)

3. (the bad)

2. (the good)

1. "HELLO" (goodbye)

0. "EPIC DEMO v1.0" - a C J M original production

For questions or comments email me at changesonadailybasis@gmail.com, visit www.myspace.com/cjmtunes or become a fan on facebook. You can also subscribe, and download all of my mix's from iTunes podcasts. I appreciate the support and feedback!


Changes on a Daily Basis ( C J M )